Latest News About Aggressive Desmoid Fibromatosis
Here you can find the latest news about Aggressive Desmoid Fibromatosis. Other informations can be found on the Associazione Italiana per la Fibromatosi Desmoide – Desmon website.
- Important News about Research on Aggressive Desmoid FibromatosisDoctor Daniela Segat, senior researcher and head of the Aggressive Desmoid Fibromatosis Project at the “Mauro Baschirotto” Rare Disease Institute in Costozza di Longare (Vicenza), will speak at the 8th Annual DTRF International Research Workshop in Philadelphia with a report in which he will present the important results of his research and the creation of the cellular model of the disease by means of the innovative “Cut and sew of genes” method called CRISPR / Cas9.
- DESMON – Italian Association Desmoid-type FibromatosisDesmoid-type Fibromatosis is a fibrous tumour; the causes of this disease are not known in depth so there are many uncertainties about treatment to follow. Paola writes in her book: Continue Reading