“Guardians of Humanity” (Custodi dell’Umanità) is the title of the concert held at the Bertesinella theater on Sunday 10 April 2022, which was also attended by the mayor of Vicenza, Francesco Rucco. The boys and girls from Ukraine, guests of the “Mauro Baschirotto” Institute for Rare Diseases together with their families, performed by playing guitar, violin, keyboard and singing. The Continue Reading...
Category Archives: news-en
Rugby Perugia Supports the Baschirotto Association
0 in Wed, 06 April 2022, 10:02Rugby Perugia is honored to support the "Mauro Baschirotto" Association for Rare Disease on the occasion of the Serie A Perugia-Prato match on Sunday 10 April 2022...
Baschirotto Institute For Rare Diseases for Ukraine
0 in Tue, 08 March 2022, 16:46The news coming from Ukraine are becoming worrying everyday.
The Baschirotto Institute for Rare Diseases (BIRD) in Vicenza, Italy, gives a safe shelter for ukrainian families....
Rare Disease Day 2022: a New Research Project for Lafora Disease
0 in Mon, 28 February 2022, 09:40Monday, 28th February 2022: today is the 15th edition of the INTERNATIONAL RARE DISEASE DAY. The Giornale di Vicenza talks about the “Mauro Baschirotto” Institute for Rare Diseases (B.I.R.D.). Rare Diseases amidst viruses and winds of war and the announcement of a new important incentive for research into the gene therapy of another serious disease: Lafora’s Epilepsy. The Baschirotto Foundation Continue Reading...
Expert Meeting – Lafora Disease and Innovative Therapies
0 in Wed, 17 November 2021, 11:57All the informations about the "Expert Meeting: Progressive Myoclonic Epilepsies - Lafora Disease and Innovative Therapies" that will take place in Perugia and Assisi on October 4th and October 5th, 2021...
Gene Therapy in Vicenza – Mind Victory for Methacromatic Leukodystrophy
0 in Wed, 17 November 2021, 11:48Vicenza is the hearth of Gene Therapy. In 1992 the first European Meeting (second worldwide) on Gene Therapy with James Watson, the pioneer of DNA. That has been a Mind Victory for Metachromatic Leukodistrophy....